As of the close of Friday, August 11, 2023, the PerfectStorm scan of high-volume options found one new breakdown candidate.
Securities Trading
As of the close of Friday, August 11, 2023, the PerfectStorm scan of high-volume options found one new breakdown candidate.
As of the close today, July 12, 2023, the PerfectStorm scanner of high-volume optional stocks found four additional breakout candidates.
and ZM:
For many years, I, like many others, have been searching for a definitive method to find stocks that are getting ready to break out to a higher price. I have watched and subscribed to many services that try to find these breakouts and have been disappointed. Most are many days after the event. Some even weeks.
I decided to see if my PerfectStorm strategy could help me.
I started a list of the most active optionable ETFs and common stocks as my starting point and have followed those that have shown good results.
The attached graph of AMZN is the first that I share on this blog. Price as of the close on Friday, April 14 2023 when it triggered its signal.
I will try and share others as they appear.
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