Dividend Aristocrat strategy

Many traders only look for high probability trades without making sure that there is also a high expectancy outcome.

A great example is so-called Russian roulette. Load a six capacity revolver with five bullets leaving one chamber empty. Spin the revolver mechanism and put the gun to your head. Pull the trigger. The player has an 83% chance of not killing him or herself. High probability, 83% versus 13%, but the 13% is a total loss. Not a few ticks or pennies, but a total loss with no possibility of recovery, ever!

Expectancy knows that regardless of the probability, there is a high level of payout that outweighs the losses.

The successful trader realizes that a system of small probability can be very successful if the average trade has a very high payout for wins versus little loss if the trade doesn’t work out. The best strategy would have a high probability AND a high expectancy.

For example, if one flips a coin a few hundred times and receives $300 each time the coin shows ‘heads’ and loses $100 each time the coin shows ‘tails’, the normal distribution of approximately 50% would earn the coin flipper a high expected return. The coin flipper would have high expected return with anything better than a 25% heads versus tails distribution.

An example of a high probability, high expectancy swing trader strategy is derived from an article in Seeking Alpha, December 23, 2016, “The 10 Best Dividend Aristocrats for 2017 And Beyond”. The piece refers to 10 stocks from a wide range of industries which have increased their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years. “Market Watch” reported on September 9, 2016, that Dividend Aristocrats stocks almost doubled the returns of the S&P stocks in 2016. Many other studies of dividend aristocrats show similar results over much longer time periods.

Below are the 10 Dividend Aristocrats mentioned in the Seeking Alpha article. Once again, the relative momentum is color coded to represent the issues that are also color coded.

It is expected that performance will be better if one were to chose only the issues that are exhibiting only positive(above the zero line, purple) momentum.

Higher probability with a higher expected outcome.

VFC=VFC Corp, ABT=Abbott Labs, JNJ=Johnson & Johnson, CAH=Cardinal Health, ABBV=AbbVie.


GWW=Grainger , MDT=Metronic, WMT=Walmart, BDX=Becton Dickinson, HRL=Hormel Foods.


Color coding on bottom chart refers to the color coding of the securities. Yellow=Yellow, etc.

Prices as of the close May 29, 2019